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15th March 2025 - March 15th Beta Updates

A system update is starting at 5:00 AM EDT and ending at 7:00 AM EDT. This includes extended maintenance so we can do some work on the database.

There's some big changes you'll notice immediately, especially if you start taking extra damage and doing less. Back in the day interface buttons typically would clear your actions, spamming like you're on OSRS won't do you any good here!

Tanner and Vulpi have compiled some sources to show this off, but I'm sure any real 2004 player can corroborate :)
See: PR 1456 PR 1458 for YouTube references

Content Changes


  • Added Prince Ali option to the post-Crandor Ned dialogue chain
  • Fixed a few typo mistakes in dialogue with Duke Horacio, Sir Prysin, and Klarense
  • Aggression ranges for random events lowered
  • Random events no longer re-aggro on the player
  • Clear interaction when changing attack styles, run/walk, and toggling prayers
  • Changing game options and player controls will close interfaces, and no longer queue when delayed

Engine Changes


  • Optimized f2p/multi zone storage to use less memory
  • Hiscores will update on logout now instead of a 30-min schedule - we're releasing an API shortly for 3rd party tools to integrate with!


  • Locs and Objs are now tracked in a way that better mirrors RuneScape behavior

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