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7th March 2025 - Launch Soon

Members content will be released on March 29th 2025 @ 12 PM EDT. This is a special day: RuneScape 2 was released 21 years ago :)

We will have more worlds available on launch day, and a reduced set of f2p worlds will still exist. We've already gone ahead and added a Japan region as of today to help get you through the next few weeks.

We're really impressed with your progress!
- Our top overall players are: Neverlosebro, Dead Botting, and Vinny. Auer is an honorable mention here as they reached their goal weeks ago and stopped at 1,000 exactly.
- Meltii was our first 99, who achieved it in Cooking.
- Tm achieved a 99 in Woodcutting.
- Our top XP player right now is The Inducted who has two 99s skills - Cooking and Fishing.

You all have put in a combined 383,981 hours of playtime and amassed a cumulative stack of 416,820,607 coins.

Over 1000 accounts have been banned for a variety of rulebreaking.

The last month has been great, thank you to everyone for experiencing the game together. Excited to bring you this update.

See you all in Ardougne soon!
* Legends Quest may not be available on day 1, more information on that as we get closer, but absolutely shortly after launch at the latest. We're working diligently.

Everything is completely free, you do not need to pay for access to anything. Download our code for yourself.

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Recreated and preserved 2023 - 2025.