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2nd February 2025 - February 2nd Beta Updates

Hey early morning / evening scapers!

We tried to push some client issues around objects not appearing randomly - those changes weren't so well received by your computers to say the least...

There was a little more than an hour of unplanned downtime to diagnose the exact problem and make sure other fixes weren't breaking things either. I've reverted the problem code and we'll revisit that fix another day, when we're sure it's ready for you across a variety of hardware.

In better news, some other fixes did stay in:
- Some objs weren't guaranteed to visually despawn on reveal - looking at you, shrimpers!
- Count Draynor's combat XP has been reduced
- Ernest the Chicken had a dialogue bug requiring you to bring all the objects at once
- Missing a message when sailing to/from Karamja
- The login server received some optimizations and auto-saving was changed to 5 mins instead of 15 mins, in the event anything goes wrong.
- The client shows an error message if it fails to load.
- The client no longer shows, since we hide your IPs by sending that anyways.

Have fun!

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