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1st January 2025 - Beta Soon

I’m proud to announce our next phase will be coming soon! We’ve put so much effort into getting every detail just right, and it’s finally time to come together for the last thing that makes it RS: you.

When is Beta starting?

Be back here on February 1st 2025 @ 12 PM EST.

What will Beta be like?

1x XP rates and locked to f2p content only.

There was a lot of deliberating to come to a final decision regarding the server. Ultimately, any other choice negates all the effort we put in to preserve the game exactly as it was.

What are the rules?

Rules will be the original 2004 rules.

Yes, we're keeping no multilogging. Multiple people in a household can still play together. This decision keeps the game fair and ensures you all play in a healthy manner!

Will you be resetting accounts after Beta?

No, everything you accomplish will stay forever.

How long will Beta last?

To Be Announced. You can expect it to be at minimum 2 months, so play and have fun with the community!

What comes after beta?

Our full launch will add members worlds, and you don’t have to spend any money to play. If you want the f2p experience stick to those worlds, if you want the p2p experience play those ones instead.

Where can we reset or change our passwords?

Bear with us - self-servicing your accounts will be added to the website shortly. You can reach out for a temporary password change if you need until then.

What is Alpha 2.0?

This is our accelerated beta-like experience except: XP rates are 10x and your progress will NOT carry over. There are no cheats ;)

This phase allows us to catch any lingering issues while we do the final preparations for beta!

Alpha 2.0 will end on January 27th.

Will you be resetting Alpha accounts?

Yes. Our Alpha phases were used to thoroughly test content and were not meant to be permanent.

Will Alpha accounts be getting any kind of memorial?

Absolutely yes! Alpha “1.0” and 2.0 will have a permanent hiscores for all the legitimate playtesters.
If you disagree with any of our decisions, you can always run a copy of our open source server - setup is streamlined to be as easy as possible. First and foremost we exist to preserve history.

Can’t wait to see everyone soon. Have a good January :)

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Recreated and preserved 2023 - 2025.